7 Awesome and Little-Known Facts About Olives🌿

“The olive tree is surely the richest gift of Heaven. I can scarcely expect bread.” Thomas Jefferson
They taste amazing. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. They reduce stress and protect our cells of serious diseases. OLIVES!!!
1. Olives are appeared in a 2000-year-old cookbook (written by Apicius, Ancient Roman writer). It is one of the earliest recipe collections ever found.
Since olden times, Roman women applied olive oil to their skin and hair. They also used it as a great and effective sun protection, as well as a general beauty booster.
Then, the Bible contains many references to the different uses of olives. As a matter of fact, the olive tree is one of the most cited plants in world literature.
2. Carvings of olives appear on the walls of pharaoh's pyramids in Egypt. Therefore, olives were well known in ancient Egypt. There are numerous references to the olive branches and fruit in many drawings and statues of ancient Egyptians. Olive branches were found in the famous tomb of Tutankhamun.
3. The ancient Greeks believed that the olive tree was created by the goddess Athena. In the ancient world, extra-virgin olive oil was called “liquid gold”. Hippocrates called it “the great healer”.
It is interesting that the Greeks are the biggest consumers of olive oil in the world.
4. Olives and olive oil are good for your feline family member.😺
Cats love olives because they contain isoprenoids, which are chemically similar to the catnip.
Olive oil can reduce the occurrence of hair ball formation. It also protects their skin and minimizes inflammation. However, keep in mind that too much of it will make your kitty gain weight.

5. As an evergreen plant, Olive tree can live between 300 and 600 years.
6. Olive oil can last up to two years if it’s stored properly and isn’t open.
As you probably already know, olive oil should be stored in a cool and dry area. If it is not open, it can last up to two years; it depends on its quality; extra-virgin olive oil may last from three months to 2 years in a sealed container. Nevertheless, once you open the bottle, olive oil can last about a year.
7. Olives for weight loss success.
As you probably already know, Mediterranean diet is considered one of the best diets for weight loss. Olive oil and olives are integral parts of this healthy dietary regimen. Olives have fat-burning benefits, they reduce excess cholesterol and decrease excessive appetite. Eat a few olives before a meal and you will reduce your appetite significantly. Bon appétit!